Saturday, December 20, 2008

50 degrees F and loving it!

Greetings from Virginia! We made it to the 37th paralel! And we saw a bald eagle! We have been holed up in a great little marina here in Indian Creek, just north of the Rappahannock River. The Long Underwear has gone on vacation for the last couple of days, because it has been in the 50's! We have been thrilled to feel like we can slow down a little bit and not be in such an urgent race with the weather. We spent three days just south of Annapolis, MD while we waited out winds and Joel getting a miserable cold, we were then able to move on down farther south, and I came down with a little of the cold the Joel had, but we were both good at nursing each other with good venison stew (thanks Stu!) and Chicken soup, lots of Garlic and hot cider drinks with lemon and honey and cinnamon. and Lots of sleep!!! I finished the knitted baby blanket I was making for Joel's cousin Erin's baby boy Cadin that was just born a few days ago, the same day I finished the blanket! Congratulations Erin and Mike!!!!!
We sailed to Herring Bay, stopped a few hours and then moved through the night to get to Indian Creek. We lost our Oars sometime in the night out of our dingy, even though they were bungy-corded to the boat, I guess the waves were too rough and somehow they went on their own independent journey. As a result were unable to consider anything other than finding a dock because we didn't have another way to get to land. So thank you Chesepeake Boat Basin for being here and letting Joel make new oars for us in your shop. We were thankful for warm showers to warm our toes and welcomed by many helpful and kind folks, thanks David and Zora, Amy, Floyd, and Aunt Jeanie for the crochet lesson!
So much of this trip has been lessons in feeling grateful for what we have and marveling in the generosity and wonderful, kind spirits of our fellow people.
So now we have oars, warm toes, thankful spirits, some fantastic soup to have for lunch and are feeling ready for the next journey to take us out of the Chesepeake and into the Dismal Swamp of the intercoastal waterway. Our thoughts have been with all of you going through the ice storm and aftermath and going through the current winter storm system.
Happy winter Solstice tomorrow and Merry Christmas...
Cheers,til next time.


donna van Ramshorst said...

Your last message put tears of relief in my eyes. You both have been so in my thoughts and prayers and it does my soul good to find those prayers continue to be answered. I feel like I am right there with you both sometimes. Stay safe, warm, well and know that you are both greatly loved. Merry Christmas a little bit early. We leave the island Monday-stop and visit with Josh, Danielle and her mom. Have our little Christmas together and then go on to ILL. to be with Jim's family. xoxoxoxoxo Your ever loving Auntie Donna

mom said...

Yeah! So glad to hear from you and to know you are in a warmer place. New England is COLD now and covered in snow. I love to hear how you take care of each other and other folks take care of you - like the place that let you make new oars. The poor little Katie Mae must have been doing some bouncing around in the waves! Love you guys! Stay safe, enjoy the warmth. XO